propane fire pit

There are few better ways to end the day than sitting around a fire. Some people prefer the sounds and smell of a crackling wood fire, while others prefer the illumination propane provides or the affordability of natural gas. While it’s great to have so many options—you want to get the most out of the fuel your fire pit uses. Check out the pros and cons of the most common fuel types to find the one that suits your needs. 

Pros & Cons of Using Wood 

It’s like bringing the campgrounds to your backyard. The smell of burning wood and the crackling pops it creates and all the memories shared with loved ones can’t be beaten. Unfortunately neither can the smokey aroma it leaves in clothing and hair.  

While wood itself is relatively affordable, it also requires storage space and constant resupply. The storage space may attract pests looking for a new home. And as it burns you’ll need to keep an eye out for sparks. 

But if you’re feeling nostalgic, wood-burning fire pits provide a classic campfire feel for any backyard. 


  • Affordable
  • Ideal for a cozy atmosphere every night


  • Requires storage
  • Attracts pests
  • Clothing left with a smokey smell
  • Can create sparks

Pros & Cons of Using Propane 

Propane is one of the most popular fire pit fuel choices, partly because it provides more lighting and the most heat. You have a choice of running propane through a hardline or using refillable tanks that can be exchanged at local grocers. 

In terms of BTU (British Thermal Units) output, propane is more efficient. You’d get 2,500 BTUs using propane compared to the same volume as natural gas at 1,000 BTUs. 

For those who prefer the refillable tank—you may be wondering where you’ll place it. You may have to get creative or you could use a hidden propane tank fire pit to discreetly store the tank. 


  • Illuminates your backyard 
  • The superior heat source
  • Versatile since no hardline is required
  • Efficient BTU output
  • Clean burning, no smoke, no smell


  • Fuel prices can fluctuate
  • Tanks need exchanging/refilling

Pros & Cons of Using Natural Gas 

If your home already has a natural gas line, it may make more sense to use it as your fuel source. Although no additional systems would be required—you’d need a professional's help installing a hardline to feed natural gas to your fire pit. 

Unlike propane, natural gas burns cleaner and creates less soot on your fire glass. Natural gas is a natural choice since it’s the most cost-effective option. 


  •  Easily accessible for natural gas homes
  • The most affordable option
  • Burns clean, leaving less residue


  • Require professionally installed hardline
  • Not portable

The Best Fuel Source Depends on Your Specific Needs

At the end of the day, each fuel source has its advantages and disadvantages. For some homeowners, natural gas would make the most sense, while others prefer the portability of a propane fire pit or a wood-burning fire pit. 

No matter what fuel choice you choose, your first choice for outdoor and backyard needs should be Outdoormarketplace. We have a wide range of fire pits, cooking and grilling accessories, and everything you need to have the backyard of your dreams. 

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